Getting House Numbers

5 Tips for Getting House Numbers

House numbers hold an important place in furnishing your exterior home. Not only do they have the function of locating your home, but they can also enhance the outer look of your house. They add style to your abode in a cost-effective way. House numbers can vary in size, fonts, colours and material. You can go with a simple font and style, or you can have fun with it and experiment with new designs. Let’s look at some tips to help you get the right style of house numbers to complement your persona.




House numbers play an important role in navigating your homes. So make sure to select the right size number that will be visible from a distance. The placement is an essential decision. Place the number at a high or eye-level position. Also, choosing the right colour is important. If the background wall is dark, choose a complementary bright colour number that is eye-catching, and if the background wall is light or white, opt for dark colours like black or brown.




Make sure to choose the house number made of environmentally friendly and durable materials. As it is located outside your home, the plaque is prone to face difficult weather conditions, which can lead to wear and tear if not made of the right medium. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight. Also, consider getting your house number made of stainless steel, aluminum or tile, as they are strong, durable materials.




See to it that the number font is easy to read. Always check that no number is missing or that it isn’t hidden by plants and flora. Be certain the house number is visible from a farther distance. Ensure it is easily seen by the car driver and passenger as well, so that family and friends can navigate your home easily.




Make sure the background wall and house numbers are contrasting in colour. This will make your house stand out. At the same time, ensure the font complements the house’s architectural style. If your house has a minimalist or modern design, choose metal colours. If it has a rustic theme, try pastel colours. You can also try placing the house numbers near your planters.




It might be a little difficult to navigate the house number at night. Consider placing the lights near your front porch, or if they aren’t located near your porch, consider getting spotlights. This will also enhance your home setting during the evenings. Another option is to use illuminated LED house numbers. There are different types and designs of LED house numbers available, like individually lit numbers, marquee numbers, lightbox plaques and backlit house numbers. They can even be solar-powered, which is cost-effective and environmentally friendly.


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